The biggest Christmas Tree in Europe, english version
What happen was that I was in Belém (Lisbon) at the Europe's biggest Christmas Tree inauguration, yes I repeat Europe, because when we do this kind of things we do it BIG, and I turned to a turist:
- Hey, in your home country you don't have something like this, right? The biggest in Europe man, the BIGGEST!
And then the guy turns to me saying: because this and that, and in my country we prefer to spend money in other things, p.e. to avoid that water pipes blow and therefore cause harm to thousands of people.. more this and that! And me, a dude that has an easiness in the exposition of arguments, didn't turn back and I said to him right away:
- The Biggest in Europe man!! Are you deaf?
Then he starts talking about I don't know what, because in his country, when it rains the river side zones don't get floded, and that perhaps it was better that, instead of the tree, the money should have been used to prevent this situations. Well, I started to get annoyed and I said to him:
- Hey man, are we going to have problems? I am here displaing arguments that... are great, and you come with this fucking talk of you don't know what... I don't even want to start speaking in the huge lunch on the bridge, nor in the Santas parade, or else you wouldn't know where to hide... The dude start saying something related to tunnels that are not finished and I don't know what more, so I just turned my back on him. Because when I see these dudes who cannot accept the superiority of a country and still they speak, speak, speak, speak and they do not say anything at all, I get upset, of course I get really upset.