Jóias, esmeraldas, pedras preciosas, diamantes e muito muito ouro é o que se pode encontrar neste baú!! Made in Denmark!

segunda-feira, novembro 22, 2004

Bad days?

Ok .. i know your day was i shit. But mine was fucking day too :) eheh
So it all started saturday. Because a friend, Pedro , was taking pills and he could drink i use all my solidarity and i made an effort to take as many beers as him .. but them we had a fucking idea that fuck our night. We didn't know yet .. so it was like this. Let's get drugs... :) simple.
But then where to buy .. discussion .. and then he remembered .. fuck i have something that u sent me from denmark one year ago .. in a bag inside a closet. And i WHHHATTTT???? :D oowowowowoooo let's go and get it. Ok perfect. The powerfull herb was still intact .. ooowowoo with the same power as i we were used too. So .. u made it .. smoke it.. enter piolho bar at porto .. completely smoked laughing like crazys.. (i puted a lot since i didn't know the effect of a one year bag weed ... but it seems is like oporto wine.. as much time in the bootle more mature :P) soooo .. we were so out .. imagining everyone dancing rumba in the bar.. where there was no music.. everyone making coreographys.. and lauuughing so much ... we had to go out.. fuck it was our mistake...
start walking .. to another bar .. gesto. But then in the middle there is a fuckin garden i pass there all this years... is a fuckin place .. but we always pass there...
We were just talking that this things that happen when u are in that state of conscience we remember and mark u for a lot of time. And then suddently .. three fucking guys were next to us .. asking a cigar.. then shortly resumed ... "give me your money or we fuck u all " ...fuck .. we were so much in peace... and fuck .. smoked we were in a trauma.. completely shocked...
and after we were in a bar .. just spending the coins they didn't take and an old man said .. how are u? and we... bad..we were just robed. And then it was a mess again .. WHAT? he said. Let's go there and fuck them .. how are they ? etc etc ... and we said.. oh let it be ... and then he said the phrase that will be in my memory for a while . "let it be the COCK" .. in portuguese is a strong expression :P .. so speaking seriously .. what he meant was.. let it be? u cannot take it like that! and the thing is.. He is fuckin right!!!!!!!

so my friends.. behare!


Blogger Nandinho Jr. said...

Oh man... poor you!!
It's fucking annoying where you are just fine, enjoying your time and suddently, coming from nowhere, a couple of guys completely destroys your peace, your night, your plaesure... leaving your pockets empty and your soul raped. I think it is completely 'wrong' to allow this.. to live with this. But, what can you do for stopping it? nothing... in the end you are just happy that you didn't get wounded or even killed. During the 5 years I spent in Porto, I got stolen 3 times. All different. First, almost in the beginning, a guy stole my money and my phone. He was arrested the day after and I recovered my phone. Lucky me! Then, everything went fine, but of course I made to be away from "suspect" places, or at most, don't be there alone or within a small group. Almost in the end, my flat was stolen. They took money, calculators and 2 digital cameras. I was so pissed off... you know when you work hard to deserve some things.. then when you have them you fell great: "i bought this because i did just fine during last year" and, then comes a fucking guy and just takes it from you!!! Not much longer after that and I have a new suprise: my car was not exactly as I left it the night before. The door was open, the truck and the 'engine's door' too. The cowling was torned twice by a knife, and the radio was missing. Maybe I was just lucky to still have the car but... well, there's nothing I can say that will make this fair so.. just fuck them all!

There's that sentece: "If you can't beat them, join them!" that should be read as: "If you can't stop them, move far away from them!".

Do you remember the environment of security that you feel here? You just leave something in one place, and no one will take it! That works just fine among danish.. until some other comes and fucks the system!

23 de novembro de 2004 às 14:59


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