Jóias, esmeraldas, pedras preciosas, diamantes e muito muito ouro é o que se pode encontrar neste baú!! Made in Denmark!

quinta-feira, outubro 28, 2004

oh wonderful copenhagen..

Well this is the first time i write a post...
I really don't know what to write because in the first time you never know .. the thing is i miss a lot u and the place u are fernando ... fuckin guy :)
Today i catch 2:30 of traffic to cross the horrible 25 april lisbon bridge .. so don't complain with your bike..and your ass :) ... i wish i was there making your style of life..
Anyway .. i will write more another day .. just to tell you that i miss u meira and that i am happy you follow your ideas and dreams :) One day i will visit u there .. and visit our wonderful copenhagen
This is the most horrible post i have ever seen .. ehehheeh
anyway .. the first time is not easy .. also because i have a fuckin pain in the head for the lisbon traffic ...
well ... i am sorry for all who read it ..
i am going to write something really more personal in another day i am feeling better.

Last Saturday

Last Saturday I went out for dinner after a study afternoon in a very nice and quiet library in København center. The dinner took place in a Vietnamese restaurant and we were eight. Four girls, four boys, seven icelandic, one portuguese. A dinner for 15€ is called a cheap dinner around here! Though different and nice, I could eat more!! Everyone agreed with me. Then we walked to the center looking for some bar to drink a beer. It is quite funny to see that the bars still have tables and chairs outside. Of course, with so low temperature, they have to provide conditions so that it can be pleasant to stay outside. Some bars have heaters, but many more have a small blanket per each chair so that you can cover yourself and stay warm. We went inside! And of course, with beers starting on 5,1€ you are not so thirsty or such a beer fancy. Overall, it was a nice night but with a strange feeling… normally, my 1.88 make me fell high… but not that night.

quarta-feira, outubro 20, 2004

Missing the old good cantine...

Well, the words "the old good cantine" might sound too extreme when we are talking about FEUP's cantine, but the truth is that if we compare it with DTU Kantine... oh damn... that dry&stuck rice with salad or shitty patatoes... that was food!! If you just could taste some food here.. yaakkk!!! Instead of a meal with soup, dish (fish/meat/vegetarian), juice, bread and dessert, all for 2€, we have here a complex buffet with a million things... e.g. 1 meat/fish dish for 3,7€, 1 vegetarian dish for 2,4€, 1 cup of coffe for 1,6€, 1 sandwish for 2,7€, 1 small open sandwish (famous in denmark) for 1€... between some fruit, candies, drinks and "So'Peso" kind food. Is not the purpose of a cantine to have cheap and good food for students? The sandwish are not bad though expensive, but WHO EATS THAT FOR LUNCH EVERY DAY? The dish is NORMALLY horrible and I won't make comments about the food you pay per weight. In the end, you have an really expensive and really bad lunch to get you ready for a working afternoon!!! Isn't that great?

terça-feira, outubro 19, 2004

Hello aliens

Fellowship of the blog, I salute you!

After some well deserved vacations in my home planet near Alpha Centauri, I'm back! Bigger, better, faster... After all this time of absence of news from the blue planet, I see that all remains the same. In that little country, named Portugal, the stories of the week, are discussions about a football game, and a reality show of dubious quality...

Meanwhile, I've learned new ways to evaluate each human. It’s quiet simple… We look into the refrigerator and see what products are there, how they are displayed, arranged, etc. Another way, it’s to do the same thing but with the cabinets and shelves in the bathroom… It’s a nice exercise to do. You should try this with some of the people you know. ;)

Until we meet again,
Live long and prosper ;)

segunda-feira, outubro 18, 2004

ReView of the Week: Meeting Iceland.

Regressado ao ponto de partida, faço um pequeno update da semana. Uma semana de férias na DTU serviram para ir visitar novas paisagens, novos costumes. Destino: Islândia! À chegada, um slogan bastante interessante:

We'll leave the lights on for you all summer.
Um pouco arrepiado com o frio de uma amena noite de inicios de Outubro, iniciei a semana em Reykjavik. Após umas rápidas passagens pela cidade, um mergulho na quentinha "Blue Lagoon" e de conhecer (ou ter uma pequena ideia) a famosa noite de Reykjavik, parti rumo ao norte... à porta do polo norte! Passei o resto da semana em Akureyri visitando umas lagoas aqui, uns vulcões ali e umas quintas acolá. Entre paisagens magnificas, piscinas ao ar livre com águas desde 29 a 42ºC e boa comida, a semana passou num instante.

Agora estou de volta, de regresso ao trabalho!

terça-feira, outubro 05, 2004

Feriado...ou talvez não!

Feriado Nacional em Portugal, Dia de Trabalho na Dinamarca.

Enquanto todos gozam um dia de descanço, ou talvez 2 (pois houve quem tivesse direito à famosa ponte), eu passo este glorioso dia enfiado na biblioteca, na continuação da já famosa sequela Leitura e Pesquisa sobre Backups e IDAs. Não vou fazer muito barulho pois aproxima-se uma semana de férias aqui por estas bandas... o denominado fall break. Lá fora, o tempo não puxa carroças.. ??!!?? e ainda tenho de me arrastar até casa em cima de uma bicicleta. Com sorte, chove pelo caminho. São 45 minutos (ainda recorde de iniciante) ao volante que me deixam literalmente de língua de fora suficientes para a actividade desportiva semanal. Contas à vida, 2h por dia a pedalar e estou pronto prá Maratona nos próximos Jogos Olímpicos. Talvez possa dizer como o Billy Corgan me disse um dia: "I'm so fuckin' quick that I could be in Olympics!". Pois é caro Billy, a ver vamos!

Quanto ao trabalho, ando entusiamado com esta teoria que envolve o Secret Sharing. A ideia de Como Partilhar um Segredo é bastante interessante, apesar de ter sido apresentada em '79.

Bom feriado!!