a rainy day...
Hello folks, true that time hasn't been on my side these past months... hopefully that will change in a month or two!!
Nothing new around here, just another rainy day in København. This country was not made to south people.. that are used to sunny and warm spring days.. with beach, sweat and laziness!
Taking the analogy from Hollywood, rainy days omens tragidy... today, May 4th, I am supposed to hand in the endless final report of my DTU project. Just like any proud portuguese, I won't do it!! I know that if I say: "It's not my fault to be late!" nobody believes me... but I can always try! It was not my FAULT! Thus, is today's weather omining something?? Hope not.. I can't look more forward to deliver this report and end this life-chapter.
Someone was worried about what would I do after I finish this... well.. I must confess that some FREE time for doing nothing else than.. NOTHING, would be just GREAT! But it happens, that after this, comes another, and after that one, another month with classes starts... so that means that I won't have so soon my precious free time to do something that I decide!!
Finally, a sorry note: next weekend I'll miss the wedding-day of a dearest friend! Sorry about that.. the life of ilegal emigrant has this kind of issues...
See you soon,...,or later!